Intro to Timing ECTC, Feb 18 2017 Description Participants learn how the metronome works, what causes taiko timing issues, and straightforward methods to tackle timing, both as individual players and in groups. Introductions name, taiko experience, something odd who here has lost the beat? find player with least-confident timing. you will be the measure of my teaching today. Starting point vid: Record individual playing Renshuu, line A hold metronome at bottom of camera What is timing? intentional spaces, intentional tones today's goals demystify the click learn how to practice timing as an individual and as a group Listening to the click exercise the metronome helps us adjust our intuition hitting far behind the beat (each person tries) getting closer to the beat (each person tries) EOL - 4 hits, others judge, KB gives "answers" (each person tries) concept training your brain to more closely compare the timing of two sounds hearing a click amongst many hits exercise two hits per click (players practice in pairs, one clicking bachi) four hits per click combinations of 1, 2, and 4 hits per click Renshuu line A: where do the clicks fall? concept keeping the hands hitting regularly between clicks, ignoring the "noise" how to practice as an individual nerdy study: EOL, metronome on the bus, applying metronome to a video recording, knowing where the clicks fall fun: playing along to recorded music; searching for issues then looping them (truffle hunting) break practicing timing as a groups break problem areas into chunks Renshuu line A: 4 chunks understand the challenge chunk 1 (sparse hits): hands want to go early exaggerate the challenge: hit hard and behind the click chunk 2 (crescendo): we rush as we concentrate on dynamics exaggerate the challenge: specify the four strike volumes, crescendo / decrescendo drill chunk 3 (doro tsuku): sixteenth notes, rushing as we concentrate on loud/soft exaggerate the challenge: back and forth between chunks 2 and 3, taking turns: doro tsuku don chunk 4 (don gon): final left rushes exaggerate the challenge: don't move the L until the last possible moment, hit hard, land behind the click upbeat metronome all-1 practice Ending point vid: Record individual playing Renshuu, line A break to take notes before wrap-up Final tips when *not* to worry about timing metronome as "game": clear success/failure, frivolous, wonderfully profound totally un-natural my theory on why good time feels good: confidence intentional strikes honor the instrument and the artform Questions Closing recognize organizers ippon jime Handouts Benny Greb, Eien website links LATI website Wait till 8 at 138 Post-It Quarters, Eighths, Sixteenths (before and after videos)