

created by

2017-04-25 13:37
Time in Studio: 
2017-04-25 08:39 to 09:27

Slept in this morning (after Long Beach bike ride for practice yesterday).  Watched videos yesterday and felt more confident that Triple Bypass is a plausible direction.

Minutes On Instrument: 

Worked on lengthened arrangement of Triple Bypass for beginning of P3 section.

started notating vertically.

Interesting discovery: simple, alternating bypasses are "one dimensional" and can be fully described with the red x notation I was using.  "Bounce" triple bypasses are "two dimensional" because one hand bounces in the Y-axis over the other hand.  When you try and combine these with other bypass patterns, sometimes the hands will get locked up.  So for two-dimensional bypasses, you need an additional identifier on cross positions to indicate which hand is on top.  What would a three-dimensional bypass involve?


  • Record Twiddler with metronome at NG6 tempo.
  • Practice and record new Triple Bypass arrangement.
  • Work on subsequent sections.  Perhaps these sections can also have their own "little universe" like Triple Bypass?