

created by

2018-03-05 16:18
Time in Studio: 
2018-03-05 10:00 to 10:55

Great practice.  Had no plan going in but it turned out to be really productive for both of us.

Minutes On Instrument: 
Other Participants: 
Yeeman Mui

7 minutes of Suga 3 solo practice: counting "1, 2, 3" while improvising.  Felt good and like I should continue doing that for a while.

Work on YM kane solo: looping 7 groove and discussing how to get build with kane.

Taking turns improvising bon-style solos.  Learned YM's foot switch during M3 extended.  I *really* need to do this a whole lot more.  We set a goal of doing this at the end of every practice and trying to build stamina by doing it for longer and longer.