

created by

2017-04-28 20:38
Time in Studio: 
2017-04-28 06:55 to 09:55

Painfully uninspired.  Might have reached a turn in the road... next, jiuchi?

6:55-7:25 (15)
breakfast, nap, thinking
9:02-9:55 (50)

Minutes On Instrument: 

Tried practicing P3 part but couldn't get into it.  Seems fine, but am not feeling inspired.

P3/Ji section idea: rhythmic phrase call and answer.  Recorded examples.

Gave up and took break.  Thought about role of improvisation.  On the one hand, all the Les Twins dance videos I watched yesterday made me think that improv really is the way to greatness.  The prepared stuff interpets the musicis too literally, and the room doesn't have the same fire.  So should the last section of Traipse do everything it can to make improv successful?  Or is it just not possible to "make improv successful" in a structured, repeatable way?  And is requiring improv just setting Traipse up for casting failure?

Minutes On Instrument: 

Changed tack after break and practiced AP2.

Current approach to improving improv in odd time: figure out a few phrases or techniques and how they fit within the bar.  The challenge might well be that my current techniques and phrases won't work anywhere in the bar like they would in 4/4, so I need to be able to pick the right thing at the right time.

Ideas for phrases
- regular R arm swings
- L arm bounces (while R plays 21 groove)
- Tornado at end of phrase

need to continue to do this every day