

created by

2017-08-29 16:17
Time in Studio: 
2017-08-29 10:36 to 11:04

Was really inspired this morning, thinking about how hard Andy is working at the moment.  Tried to implement 14-min "rounds" for the day but quickly blew past the first break and then got sucked into other things.  Looking at what I got done today, I didn't practice as much as I'd like.  I should try the rounds (pomodoro) system again with better planning of my day to start, and then more strict adherence to the schedule.

Minutes On Instrument: 

Clicky clacky brushes.  Focused on Paradiddle Paradiddle Paradiddlediddle 7 pattern.

Just started to work out arrangement of "digital" section.

r l r r l r l l r l r r l l  x4
R l r r l r l l r l r r l l
r L r r l r l l r l r r l l
r l r r l r l l R l R R L L
r L r r L r l l r L r r L L