

created by

2019-03-02 21:44
Time in Studio: 
2019-03-02 11:00 to 14:00

I'm back!  That's maybe the longest I've dropped out of keeping a practice diary.  With the changes at ATUS (losing off-hours studio availability, realizing I have to teach less in order to really commit myself to creating music for touring), I've been a bit down about practice.  I didn't do any practice during the current cross-country tour either...

until now!

It's such a joy to be here at Keshet in Albuquerque.  The organizers have designed the Makers Space residency to be amazingly artist-centric.  They offer classes on business and dance designed for us, opportunities to interact with other dancers and choreographers, and special events to feature us, while at the same time making it clear that we're free to skip anything if we choose.  "Sleep in... or work... or whatever!  This time is for you!"  I feel so honored and appreciated and that sentiment translated directly to being inspired to make the most of my time today.

Minutes On Instrument: 

Played to Post Malone "Wow" for almost three hours and never got tired of it.

4-bar X-pattern phrase with horizontal "misses" inspired by the traffic on highway 40 outside my hotel room.

4-bar X-pattern phrase without misses as lead-in.

4-bar R arm swing improv inbetween.

next: watch videos, try to Whoa track