Easing into composition: Three ways to write your first piece

Easing into composition: Three ways to write your first piece

Sun, 2018-02-18 11:00 to 14:00
Ticket price: 

Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
University of Maryland College Park
8270 Alumni Dr
College Park, MD 20742


Kris Bergstrom has written groundbreaking pieces like "Gengakki", "Jack Bazaar", and "Radiddlepa" but considers himself an "uncertain composer".  In this 2-hour lecture/demonstration, Bergstrom guides participants through the techniques that have helped him overcome his fears of composition and choreography to find compelling creations, with hands-on composition exercises to reveal practical details.


Set List: 

- introductions: name, favorite thing you've made
- initial questions
-- favorite and least-favorite taiko pieces (or moments)
-- what does the act of "composition" look like?

approach 1: "literal composition"
- exercise: converting "Mark" into music

approach 2: "exploration"
- tone exercise: edge vs center
- rhythm exercise: the joy of expectation

approach 3: "deconstruction"
- exercise: "trap"-style rhythm, borrowing the bass part


clean and close

Wrap up: 

Inspired ideas from the participants, any number of which could be whole song sections.
Insightful questions.
What would be a good 1-minute ender to a composition workshop?  

Audience size: 
Other Participants: