Mochi Mochi at El Marino School

Mochi Mochi at El Marino School

Wed, 2017-12-13 09:00 to 11:30
Ticket price: 

El Marino Elementary School
11450 Port Road
Culver City CA 


"How It's Made: Mochi" is a live demonstration of mochi-making, from steamed rice to delicious treats, by Los Angeles rice-pounding and taiko ensemble, Mochi Mochi. Powerful taiko rhythms coordinate the phases of the pounding process, resulting in fresh mochi for all. Learn, pound, and eat!

Wrap up: 

Really important performance for Mochi Mochi!

First time performing with only 5 Mochi Mochi members... proved it's exhausting but possible.  First time performing with Manman, Isaku, and David... they were a force.  Great additions to music by Isaku (Nanbu Mochitsuki Uta), flute and logistics contributions by David, and diligent practice on new, one-person naname groove by Manman.  Debut of "Mochi Mochi Pachi Pachi".  Improved system for audience participation (teachers help pick).  Professional videographer.

(Without yet having seen video...) Koneri music needs work (boring).  Ipponzuki section has too many starts and stops.  Should make time for principal pounder somehow.  Visual aids (process) for audience?