Asano Taiko US
20909 S Western Ave
Torrance CA 90501
Learn the main, interlocking groove of SugAmen, the taiko version of the famous Amen Break. An exciting rhythm in its own right, the practice of the underlying "sugagaki" technique dramatically improves timing sensitivity.
- 6 drums, mutes, whiteboard, printouts
Welcome / post-lunch stretch
- full-body check-in / stretch
- name and an example of practiced sensitivity / attention
Space / taiko warmup (tonal exploration call and answer)
Sugagaki fundamentals
- teacher downbeat, everyone else upbeat
- finding your practice speed demo
- partner work
Dealing with the struggle
- being a great downbeat
- "growth zone" vs "panic zone" practice
Main phrase
- downbeat
-- DO GO DANG ge de GO DANG ge x2
-- DO GO DANG ge de GO de DANG
-- de GO DANG ge de GO DANG ge
- upbeat
-- . de . ge . de . GANG . DANG . GO . de . ge x2
-- . de . ge . de . GANG . DANG . ge . de . ge
-- . DANG . GO . de . ge x2
SugAmen demo
Positive energy of the participants made this successful. Everyone was able to play upbeats surprisingly quickly at the beginning, before we realized sugagaki is "hard".