Zenshin Daiko practice space
Maui, Hawaii
Apr 4 6-7pm
Apr 5 7-8pm
Apr 7 eve
Apr 8 4:30-6pm
New naname choreography phrase learning and choreography primer
welcome, introductions
- name
- favorite thing in Maui
copycat: R arm swings
- 3 o'clock down with L options
- 3 o'clock up with L options
- don to start
what makes for an interesting conversation?
- create an "interesting" arm swing combo
copycat: Cork
what makes a joke funny?
- create a "joke" move
jam over 2/4?
additional options
Jumping-off points
- R arm swings
-- building blocks: R-CW, R-CCW, strikes, knocking
-- phrase: CorkĀ
- Handtagonism
-- building blocks: daji, doji, chidaga
-- phrase: daji gan dan gan nya
- spinning
-- building blocks: X-pattern, 12 o'clock tangent, Duckwheel (opposite directions wind catcher)
-- phrase: Saturn? Ardor?