Kauai Veterans' Center
3215 Kapule Hwy
Lihue, HI 96766
Taiko workshop for players on Kauai island.
- name, group, favorite Kauai fruit
- plan for workshop: JB sample, indiv. feedback, M-patterns
Slowplosion A-1 through A-4
- learning structures
-- copycat (additive)
-- practice on own
-- kuchishoga (A-4) while moving hands
-- slow motion
-- R hand only, adding L
Jack Bazaar demonstration
naname form
- A-1 L strike height and timing, final R elbow bend
- A-2 arm independence
- A-3 loud v soft
- A-4 rhythm fundamentals (playing rhythms similar to "buttress" actual pattern)
- tejime
- performance of Radiddlepa
Such an amazing group of people. Vegan dinner, wonderfully welcoming energy. Enthusiasm and open-mindedness. Love these groups!
Additional information
- Slowplosion A videos and notation
- Jack Bazaar videos
- copyleft explanation