

created by

2019-05-10 10:39
Time in Studio: 
2019-05-10 09:20 to 21:11

Trying to get draft of piece done today!  Don't let concerns over other things get in the way (outstanding Radiddlepa videos, etc).  Focus on the piece!

Minutes On Instrument: 

9:20  bathroom
9:23  beginning section.  How about counting backing track with odd-time swipes?
10:33  draft of first 4~8 bars based on Quest groove.  (see vid)  break-fast.
11:00  add additional elements to make Quest work.
11:40  check video to see if gear 2 of Quest groove will work.
11:44  it's okay, but what's the development structure?  Quest building with surprising cut-outs?  Try that next.
11:45  "me time", shower


Minutes On Instrument: 
Other Participants: 
Yuta Kato

13:00  practice with Yuta
  Grit to metronome and runthrough.  Keep running!
  SugAmen muting section
14:30  to storage space for preamp, library to pick up book

Minutes On Instrument: 

15:07  snack and break
15:57  back to work!
16:35  Hiro returns
16:44  back to composition
17:30  not loving the intro stuff at the moment, moving on to next section after dinner... digital effects?
17:58  back to digital effects section
  rebuild track
  T1: thru 57 (kick)
        SRC - INAB: A  VOL: max
        FX1 - FILTER: DIST-50, 40-40-80
  T2: neighbor
        FX1 - COMB: F#2 FB-55 MIX-38
        FX2 - COMB: A#3 B4 C#5+61 E5 C#3+49 A#3 C#6+63+90
19:00  back from dinner
20:35  possible structure
  Octatrack  /  Kawatsura
  T1 (unaffected mic), T8 (cowbell)  /  taps, swipes, fills following cowbell
  T7 ("13" sample beginning)  /  ?
  T8 (counting)  /  Quest gears 1,2,3
  T7 ("13" full sample to ending 7 groove)
21:11  tried to create arrangement of beginning but stuck on how to fade-in a track.  Researching.
21:33  was able to kind-of automate it with Patterns.
21:55  watching "bad" video.  Need a lot more practice to not rush!