

created by

2019-09-28 12:42
Time in Studio: 
2019-09-28 11:20 to 12:40

Created "composition" category to allow for tracking time spent composing.  Use this category when working on paper or otherwise not using any instrument technique.

Shower aha moment!  "Jiuchi" shouldn't be applied to a specific player or players.  It's much more empowering to think of it as a concept: what part of the music is most helpful to pull everyone together.  In Distracted Driving, the jiuchi will move between the nagado, the aux. instruments, and the Octatrack.  Perhaps there are four main concepts for the players: "lead", "jiuchi", "color", and "disappear".

Worked on Build 1 in preparation for class tomorrow.  Yikes!.. running out of time!

Minutes On Instrument: 

Possibly making progress on Build 1 section.  Set the "color" (nagado back row?) players' parts so they only have to memorize one rhythm and then just alter the tone.  Wound up with a draft of 32 bars.

Next need "lead" parts (nagado front row): horizontal focus?