

created by

2019-09-29 19:37
Time in Studio: 
2019-09-29 18:30 to 19:35

Work on Build 1 "Lead" before dinner.  Feeling inspired but nervous about having to teach another major thing next Sunday.  Want to finish this Build 1 stuff and turn to... ending?

Today's breakthrough felt like a flower slowly opening.  I thought of the idea in bed this morning but it was only as I was explaining it and the students were practicing that the significance of the idea "blossomed".

Zeno's Paradox

In order to be confidently still, think of the limbs going halfway to their final distance, then halfway more, and again and again, until the progress is imperceptibly small.

One last aha moment... the beauty of the Doppler effect.  The musicality of that sound is produced by movement and is only heard in the other listener.

Minutes On Instrument: 

Working on drum but there's no "practice" involved so I'm counting this as "composition".

Listening to Octatrack loop the relevant "color" lines, searching for hits I like and reasons to like them.

- horizontal movements
- easing rules
-- lines 1-2: space
-- lines 3-4: on pulse, between Waltzu
-- lines 5-6: mixing everything so far
-- lines 7-8: whatever feels/sounds good