Congratulations, Hidaka Taiko! You should be very proud of your performance this evening and what you've accomplished. In a remarkably short time, Hidaka has become a serious player in collegiate taiko. And new members... you rock!
I took a few notes as I was watching the performance but before I give them, there is something more important. Keep your focus on inspiring passion and love amongst yourselves. Your impressive current skill level is due simply to the number of hours you have dedicated to the music. Taking things to the next level requires more time, and the way to do that is to foster a love for taiko and for each other.
Now for the nit-picking!
- set up drums during emcee
- shout intro only works if going directly into strong taiko
- when shouting, emote "energy" without "anger"
- phrase that ends "RL" would be more satisfying as "LR"
- if possible, no "teketeke" for re-entrances during cut outs. Follow stage right front player for sudden entrance.
- Elias, take a full stance before starting.
- tonally flat - jiuchi should change between phrases or sections (drop shaker, drop kane, etc)
- weird to cutout with rising shout and dramatic pose, then go to quiet rim
- jiuchi covers soloist. nagado jiuchi should be sparser, or non-skin tone.
- no noodling! Great chops... use them musically. Focus on drums and music.
- kane could play between nagado hits for one or more sections
- higher shime would better showcase player's skill
- no noodling! Early section needs direction. "Suga" oroshi can be cleaner.
- build is currently achieved only through dynamics. How could rhythm / tone be used?
- pet peeve: hitting multiple drums but tone is always the same
- instead of "additive" section, where each player joins, have each player play alone
- find other moments to feature drum tones - shime bachi are too heavy for that skin
- is everyone okay with binary-gendered costumes? A "spectrum" might be cool.
- women kneeling while men play powerful odaiko suggests subservience
<final bow>
- run out for bow